
- What exactly are essential oils?
- How are the essential oils used and what for?
- How do I know what essential oils I need?
- What are all the different ways I can apply and use essential oils?
- How often should I use essential oils?
- Should I dilute essential oils? If so, how?
- How do I care for the oils?
- Can I put several oils on at once?
- What is the best way to take oils internally?
- How do you know what is the best way to apply an oil, or is there one application the works for all oils?
- What should I expect when using essential oils?
- How do I know when an oil is for the emotional side or the physical side?
- What is the difference between single oils and blends?
- There are other ingredients in our products – ie: massage blend. Where can you find info on ALL product contents (not just the oils included in the product)?
- What does LRP mean and how does it benefit me?

- How safe are essential oils?
- Should I talk to my doctor about using essential oils?
- Should I take any safety precautions when using essential oils?
- Will the oils interfere with my prescription medicine?
- Are essential oils safe to use during pregnancy?
- Can anyone do the aroma therapy Technique? And can you mess it up or hurt someone?
- Are the oils safe and effective to use for house cleaning?

- Is there any real science behind essential oils?
- Are there different grades of essential oils? What is the company difference?
- How potent are the essential oils?
- What is the source of the essential oils?

- Do I have to talk to my friends and family?
- What do I say about MLM questions?
- Do I have to host parties?
- How do you invite someone to a class?
- How do you introduce someone to Essential Oils in a conversation?
- How do you qualify someone?
- How do I do this business if I’m shy?
- How do I introduce/share about Essential Oils to friends that live far away?
- How do I share oils most effectively?
- How can I prepare great oil samples?
- How can I successfully close a class?
- How can I explain the different kit options?
- How can I explain the difference between a wholesale account and just buying retail?
- How do I do a Wellness Consult?

- Once somebody signs up, then what?
- How do I find leaders?
- I have a leader with a bunch of people under them who is not acting like a leader. What do I do?
- How do I better understand those I am working with and better nurture them where thy’re at so they can grow?
- How can I be a better mentor?
- How do I identify and place leaders?
- How can I best set myself up for success to reach my rank advancement goals?
- How can I maximize my ability to succeed?
- How can I partner with more rock stars?
- How can I use strategy to create success?
- How can I use strategy in a loving way that strengthens my team?

- Can I make money here?
- How do I make money?
- How fast can I make money?
- Is there a limit to how much I can earn?
- What is a reasonable goal to set for myself?
- What is the average income for reach rank?
- How many hours per week will I have to work?
- What exactly do I do?
- I’ve heard Diamond Club is a fast track. What is it?
- Which tools do I buy first?
- How many oils do I need to have right away?
- How do I sign someone up?
- Once somebody signs up, then what?
- How do I know if I can really be successful at this business?
- My friend is going to host a class for me. Who gets the credit? Who gets the people?
- Can I surpass my sponsor?
- Can I set up an auto payment of my commissions and avoid the check fee?
- What is compression and what are its effects?
- How do I get my LRP paid for?
- How can I share the business opportunity?
- How can I share the Live Guide?
- How can I explain what a business actually looks like?
- What are some of the most effective tools I can use to support success?
- How do I create loyal customers?
- I just want to make money and I like the oils. Will this work?
- I work so hard and the paychecks don’t seem to compensate for the number of hours I put in. Am I doing something wrong?
- Is there a way to transfer out of your upline leader’s team and into another if there is a personality conflict?
- What do you do when your upline disconnects?
- How can I get my questions answered without constantly bugging my upline?